real estate

Monte Mohr :: Middle TN Real Estate and CRIME On The Rise

Nashville’s Real Estate market is one of the nation’s hottest at the moment. This has created higher home prices, more interest and an influx of people. While this is all well and good for our local economy, crime is also on the rise as a result.       


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In this episode, Brink and Tom talk with Monte Mohr, a leader in the Nashville Real Estate Community who is optimistic but rightfully concerned with the political and ideological direction of Middle Tennessee.


A few things that came up:


-Back the Blue Tennessee

-The state of Nashville's real estate market

-3 areas where realtors need to concentrate for their security

-New agents are vulnerable

-If people would only use their powers for good

-The Devil's hands love idle time

-Criminal fears getting caught

-You have to be worried about the guy coming into your house at 1am because he knows you're home

-There's a big difference between getting a carry permit and winning a gunfight

- There is an uptick in people moving to rural areas and an interest in home/personal security and defense

- Preparing for at home survival

- Learn to be self-sufficient even in wound treatment

- We're a dependent society

- Being mask purgatory

- Let's think independently

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