home security

Monte Mohr :: Middle TN Real Estate and CRIME On The Rise

Nashville’s Real Estate market is one of the nation’s hottest at the moment. This has created higher home prices, more interest and an influx of people. While this is all well and good for our local economy, crime is also on the rise as a result.       


Listen to this as well as past episodes, comment, ask questions and subscribe to the show:



In this episode, Brink and Tom talk with Monte Mohr, a leader in the Nashville Real Estate Community who is optimistic but rightfully concerned with the political and ideological direction of Middle Tennessee.


A few things that came up:


-Back the Blue Tennessee

-The state of Nashville's real estate market

-3 areas where realtors need to concentrate for their security

-New agents are vulnerable

-If people would only use their powers for good

-The Devil's hands love idle time

-Criminal fears getting caught

-You have to be worried about the guy coming into your house at 1am because he knows you're home

-There's a big difference between getting a carry permit and winning a gunfight

- There is an uptick in people moving to rural areas and an interest in home/personal security and defense

- Preparing for at home survival

- Learn to be self-sufficient even in wound treatment

- We're a dependent society

- Being mask purgatory

- Let's think independently

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Tips, Tactics and Tools is Produced and Edited by www.jimmccarthyvoiceovers.com

Phil Valentine :: Radio Hosts Need Security Detail Too

In this episode, Brink and Tom talk with National Radio Host and Nashville Political Defender, Phil Valentine about some close calls he’s had with interesting people….some being a security risk.

Listen to this as well as past episodes, comment, ask questions and subscribe to the show:


A few things that came up:

-Brink worked undercover in the crowd when Phil fought the State Income Tax

-People use Phil's driveway to hangout

-People are afraid that the riots are coming to their neighborhood

-Kyle Rittenhouse situation

-TN Serious Bodily Injury definition

-Former Nashville Police Chief Anderson: Short Order stand down, wanted to arrest people for violating mask mandate

-Mayor Cooper's twitter feed makes him tone-deaf

-Middle TN is seeing a spike in juvenile violent crime

-Radio host security detail

-ANTIFA being shipped into various locales

Tips, Tactics, and Tools for a Safer Tomorrow was born out of several conversations between Brink Fidler and Tom Herring that always revolved around how they focus on properly educating their clients in order to maximize their effectiveness and customer service.

Both companies strive to meet the same end goal and that is to increase the safety and security posture of their clients.

Brink’s company, Defend Systems, specializes in physical security consulting and active shooter mitigation training, while Tom’s company, Herring Technology, focuses on being the best security technology integrator in the industry that can provide a one stop shop for any client’s technology needs.

The focus of this podcast is to educate and empower people. We discuss everything related to safety and security be it at home, work, church, or the mall. We take an in depth look at security technology, ease of use, reliability, and DIY products for homeowners.

Follow Brink:


Follow Tom:


Tips, Tactics and Tools is Produced and Edited by www.jimmccarthyvoiceovers.com

Your Ring Doorbell is cute and all, BUT.....PART 2

In this episode, Brink and Tom talk about the various ways you can make your home or facility a harder target for would be criminals. 

Listen to this as well as past episodes, comment, ask questions and subscribe to the show:


 A few things that came up:

 Access control, who has true control?

Lighting can make your facility or home a softer or harder target

You have personal responsibility with whatever system you get

Complacency kills 

Most receive education from the manufacturer, DON'T DO THAT! 

Government and lowest bidder systems

Garage door is a major concern...pull cord  

 Tips, Tactics, and Tools for a Safer Tomorrow was born out of several conversations between Brink Fidler and Tom Herring that always revolved around how they focus on properly educating their clients in order to maximize their effectiveness and customer service. 

Both companies strive to meet the same end goal and that is to increase the safety and security posture of their clients. 

Brink’s company, Defend Systems, specializes in physical security consulting and active shooter mitigation training, while Tom’s company, Herring Technology, focuses on being the best security technology integrator in the industry that can provide a one stop shop for any client’s technology needs. 

The focus of this podcast is to educate and empower people. We discuss everything related to safety and security be it at home, work, church, or the mall. We take an in depth look at security technology, ease of use, reliability, and DIY products for homeowners. 

Follow Brink:


Follow Tom:


Tips, Tactics and Tools is Produced and Edited by www.jimmccarthyvoiceovers.com

Randy Atlas :: False Senses of Situational Awareness

In this episode, Brink and Tom talk with Randy Atlas of Atlas Safety & Security Design, Inc the lack of situational awareness at many facilities and the false sense of security that a camera system with no strategy can create.

Listen to this as well as past episodes, comment, ask questions and subscribe to the show:


A few things that came up:

Randy is a CPTED Expert - Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

How Randy discovered his Architectural passion

Learned to ballroom dance

Working on a campus where Ted Bundy prowled

Turned his training into designing safer and more secure jails that looked more contemporary

Had to pivot to design shopping centers, hospitals, etc

Called by several attorneys to be an expert witness

Defending against MS-13

Ask did you Create, Promote and Allow an event to happen?

Frustration at lack of situational awareness

Tom attended one of Randy's classes, taught about problem seeking, not solving

Having a game plan for cameras and technology

What's the purpose of each camera location?

Who's going to monitor it?

Asking the right questions

Throwing money at the problem without a plan will only make you "feel" safer

COVID cases growing

How to provide services under the COVID situation

How to create architecturally "safe" environments for schools

Politics, Protests and Pandemics

Mass surface temperature scanning

The times are changing and we need to adapt

CPTED is a course of consequences

Lookout for the agendas

It's a dangerously developing world

Tips, Tactics, and Tools for a Safer Tomorrow was born out of several conversations between Brink Fidler and Tom Herring that always revolved around how they focus on properly educating their clients in order to maximize their effectiveness and customer service.

Both companies strive to meet the same end goal and that is to increase the safety and security posture of their clients.

Brink’s company, Defend Systems, specializes in physical security consulting and active shooter mitigation training, while Tom’s company, Herring Technology, focuses on being the best security technology integrator in the industry that can provide a one stop shop for any client’s technology needs.

The focus of this podcast is to educate and empower people. We discuss everything related to safety and security be it at home, work, church, or the mall. We take an in depth look at security technology, ease of use, reliability, and DIY products for homeowners.

Follow Brink:


Follow Tom:


Tips, Tactics and Tools is Produced and Edited by www.jimmccarthyvoiceovers.com

The Layman's Home Defense System, Part 2

In this episode, Brink and Tom continue to talk about a step by step method to prevent your home from being an invasion or theft target and ways to defend it should someone breach it.

Listen to this as well as past episodes, comment, ask questions and subscribe to the show:


A few things that came up:

The racking of a shotgun is a universal sound

Using a laser or light to deter criminal activity

Downside of a shotgun is storage

Where to place a shotgun

Use a pistol to get to the shotgun

Training is essential

Remington 870

Short barrel shotgun with an 18" barrel

Brink is a Glock 19 guy

Rent weapons, and find the one that's right for you

If you don't have the ability to protect your home and family, then what?

The benefits of an AR system


How many steps to your kid's door/stairs?


Working your floor plan

Lean-to lock for closet doors

Hotel security and defense

Defund the police???

Response times are 3 minutes as it stands

Follow Brink:


Follow Tom:


Tips, Tactics and Tools is Produced and Edited by www.jimmccarthyvoiceovers.com

Home Security Mega Tips :: Tips, Tactics and Tools Podcast Ep 9

Camera systems, doorbell cams, alarm monitoring...sure they’re good to have AFTER something happens in or to your home.

What about IF you’re home while something’s happening?

Brink and Tom break down some critical mega tips when it comes to lining up your home’s first line of defense. 

Listen to this episode, comment, ask questions and subscribe to the show:


TTT Facebook Page

Tips, Tactics, and Tools for a Safer Tomorrow was born out of several conversations between Brink Fidler and Tom Herring that always revolved around how they focus on properly educating their clients in order to maximize their effectiveness and customer service. 

Both companies strive to meet the same end goal and that is to increase the safety and security posture of their clients. 

Brink’s company, Defend Systems, specializes in physical security consulting and active shooter mitigation training, while Tom’s company, Herring Technology, focuses on being the best security technology integrator in the industry that can provide a one stop shop for any client’s technology needs. 

The focus of this podcast is to educate and empower people. We discuss everything related to safety and security be it at home, work, church, or the mall. We take an in depth look at security technology, ease of use, reliability, and DIY products for homeowners. 

Follow Brink:


Follow Tom:


Tips, Tactics and Tools is Produced and Edited by www.jimmccarthyvoiceovers.com